Yesterday evening, i almost lost my deadly weapon to enslave monsters.
I only have one of dat type!
i think my face became pale and i felt cold over my body...
freezing for a moment..
When i caught the first air and started breathing,,,fuihh
i got my grip back, n then asked for help.
A security team came in.
They said,"Dont do anything, keep your fingers away of triggers!!"
Then one of em handed me tool to get da weapon back.
After setting up and learning to use da tool for few mins,
i was able to detect where da hidden weapon was, and took it back at once.
tool i used: PC Inspector File Recovery
What u can learn r:
-when u face da same situation like i was, freezing is da right thing to do. If i, let say, do a "refresh" move, i will lose da weapon forever.
-Dont make a decision yet while u r in confusion.
-well, if 1st and 2nd point seem similar to u, then u r right ^_^`
ps: thx to YS, RFM, and YA; the security team members.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
meet da parents
my bloods r in town for sis graduation ceremony[including my lovely cousin ll].
I havent seen em yet, hope soon..
I havent seen em yet, hope soon..
Saturday, February 24, 2007
walkin on the sun(no time to wait...)
So don't delay
act now
supplies are running out
Allow if you're still alive six to eight years to arrive
And if you swallow
there may be a tomorrow
But if the offer's shunned
you might as well be walkin' on the sun
-smash mouth-
act now
supplies are running out
Allow if you're still alive six to eight years to arrive
And if you swallow
there may be a tomorrow
But if the offer's shunned
you might as well be walkin' on the sun
-smash mouth-
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Khutbah jumat
Khutbah Jum'at di Salman (today)
by: Mr. Aam Aminudin (Percikan Iman)
jadi ada ramalan di hadith, bahwa:
1. Islam bakal tinggal nama
2. Al-Qur'an tinggal tulisan
3. Ulama berkhianat
ad1, maksudnya: orang islam itu banyak, tapi gak ngerti ajaran islam.
contohnya indonesia. 80% orang islam, tapi gak keliatan ajarannya dipraktekkan.
Misalnya masuk daftar negara paling korup.
ad2, banyak yang baca qur'an tapi gak ngerti maksudnya.
ad3, ulama maksudnya bukan ulama di bidang agama aja, tapi semua yang memiliki kapasitas ilmu lebih dari orang lain apapun bidangnya.
maksudnya berkhianat itu, misalnya tau tentang suatu hal yang bakal membawa keburukan, tapi malah mendukung.
Yang harus dilakukan:
#1. pelajari islam
#2. baca al quran, perbaiki bacaan, pahami, amalkan, lalu dakwahkan.
#3. makmurkan masjed(berbondong2 datang dan beribadah di masjed)
#4. jangan khianati ilmu.
-thx to BG-
by: Mr. Aam Aminudin (Percikan Iman)
jadi ada ramalan di hadith, bahwa:
1. Islam bakal tinggal nama
2. Al-Qur'an tinggal tulisan
3. Ulama berkhianat
ad1, maksudnya: orang islam itu banyak, tapi gak ngerti ajaran islam.
contohnya indonesia. 80% orang islam, tapi gak keliatan ajarannya dipraktekkan.
Misalnya masuk daftar negara paling korup.
ad2, banyak yang baca qur'an tapi gak ngerti maksudnya.
ad3, ulama maksudnya bukan ulama di bidang agama aja, tapi semua yang memiliki kapasitas ilmu lebih dari orang lain apapun bidangnya.
maksudnya berkhianat itu, misalnya tau tentang suatu hal yang bakal membawa keburukan, tapi malah mendukung.
Yang harus dilakukan:
#1. pelajari islam
#2. baca al quran, perbaiki bacaan, pahami, amalkan, lalu dakwahkan.
#3. makmurkan masjed(berbondong2 datang dan beribadah di masjed)
#4. jangan khianati ilmu.
-thx to BG-
It's Friday,,, alkahfi?
As a friend insists me to read this chapter every friday.. [yeah, tho' i know it was suggested to do by the prophet...]
I'll share some verses translation from Pickthal. Just as reminder for myself n u who read dis :p
018.103 Say: Shall We inform you who will be the greatest losers by their works?
0.18.104 Those whose effort goeth astray in the life of the world, and yet they reckon that they do good work.
018.105 Those are they who disbelieve in the revelations of their Lord and in the meeting with Him. Therefor their works are vain, and on the Day of Resurrection We assign no weight to them.
I'll share some verses translation from Pickthal. Just as reminder for myself n u who read dis :p
018.103 Say: Shall We inform you who will be the greatest losers by their works?
0.18.104 Those whose effort goeth astray in the life of the world, and yet they reckon that they do good work.
018.105 Those are they who disbelieve in the revelations of their Lord and in the meeting with Him. Therefor their works are vain, and on the Day of Resurrection We assign no weight to them.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
express it with ur language
if I dont get it..
Then you'll have to speak to me
Some other way
if I dont get it..
Then you'll have to speak to me
Some other way
cuz the world will follow after
Last year, when i was dyin in b***dom...
and no more page left empty in my 1st black book...
Ako kardes suggested me to write my own ontology,
"yeah, why not?i had already started it anyway.."
then i bought a new book, the soldier one.
once i ever wrote:
To be a good abdullah, we sud let ourself to be tool of ppl for a good sake...
it means we r suppossed to not feeling bothered being used by other..
Live our life sincerely...
cuz the best reward we can get is from Allah alone, indeed!
ps: thx to a friend for reminding me to dis subject
and no more page left empty in my 1st black book...
Ako kardes suggested me to write my own ontology,
"yeah, why not?i had already started it anyway.."
then i bought a new book, the soldier one.
once i ever wrote:
To be a good abdullah, we sud let ourself to be tool of ppl for a good sake...
it means we r suppossed to not feeling bothered being used by other..
Live our life sincerely...
cuz the best reward we can get is from Allah alone, indeed!
ps: thx to a friend for reminding me to dis subject
better days
Better Days
And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
So take these words
And sing out loud
Cuz everyone is forgiven now
Cuz tonight's the night the world begins again
And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
So take these words
And sing out loud
Cuz everyone is forgiven now
Cuz tonight's the night the world begins again
dari cqe, kata ibu eva:
fikiran melahirkan perbuatan
kemudian perbuatan menjadi kebiasaan
dan kebiasaan menjadi sifat
sifat menunjukkan karakter seseorang
jadilah berpikir baik tentang kemampuanmu
sehingga yang nampak dan muncul darimu pun adalh karakter yang baik
fikiran melahirkan perbuatan
kemudian perbuatan menjadi kebiasaan
dan kebiasaan menjadi sifat
sifat menunjukkan karakter seseorang
jadilah berpikir baik tentang kemampuanmu
sehingga yang nampak dan muncul darimu pun adalh karakter yang baik
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
educate ma self
what an amazing adventure!!
no curse pls, keep ur mouth clean.......
pleaseeeeeeee, fai....... u r faiderman, remember?!!
for dat u will need pure heart!!!!!
HUH,, Im TRrrryinnnnnnnn
no curse pls, keep ur mouth clean.......
pleaseeeeeeee, fai....... u r faiderman, remember?!!
for dat u will need pure heart!!!!!
HUH,, Im TRrrryinnnnnnnn
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
met my old mate
just today, this mornin, i had conversation wit an old mate. It's been long time since our last conv. More than a year ago!
IM Happy to see u, kardes!!
IM Happy to see u, kardes!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
My new weapons:
#1 SR-LF
#2 Xmodulo-255
#3 Web-shooter with new formula
#4 Ultra-Polygon
#1 SR-LF
#2 Xmodulo-255
#3 Web-shooter with new formula
#4 Ultra-Polygon
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
final VB
Asiik banget nonton final VB putra kemaren sore...
Seru banget,,,

Yang merusak suasana:
polusi udara yang dibuat oleh beberapa orang oknum perokok!!!
meminta orang2 tersebut agar jangan merokok di sana,
ato paling ngga pindahlah supaya ga ngasepin orang lain,,,
eh malah ketawa2 ga jelas!
Yang terlintas:
gilee,,,, ada orang yang bisa nyante banget ngezalimin orang laen....
Harapan: jangan sampai gw menzalimin orang, tapi ga nyadar2.....:((
Saran: Bagi yang merasa terzalimi, tegur langsung aja ya...
itu gunanya sobat, teman.... ^_^`
mode: crazy on J's songs!!!
preparing to get warning from my sis :(
preparing to get warning from my sis :(
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
new begining
Congratulation for my sis, who has broken TL-monster legs!!!
Face new cuter monster soon at nearest intersection....
Face new cuter monster soon at nearest intersection....
Sunday, February 04, 2007
luar dalam
pas waktu di dalam:
"Ga pa pa", "Biasa aja", "Ga masalah", "Absolutely fine!".
pas waktu keluar:
"Ga boleh gitu!", "Itu kan ga bener...", "Mo main api?!", "Bisa bahaya tuh!"
pas main, kita perlu take a break bentar untuk ngeliat dari luar :D
"Ga pa pa", "Biasa aja", "Ga masalah", "Absolutely fine!".
pas waktu keluar:
"Ga boleh gitu!", "Itu kan ga bener...", "Mo main api?!", "Bisa bahaya tuh!"
pas main, kita perlu take a break bentar untuk ngeliat dari luar :D
"Attention, please! Monsters stage-2 wanna take revenge!"
Okay...I'm ready!!
Come come fast, Monsters!
I'll beat u all down in a punch!!!
Okay...I'm ready!!
Come come fast, Monsters!
I'll beat u all down in a punch!!!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Bukhari Volume 9, Book 92, Number 381: Narrated Hudhaifa: Allah's Apostle said to us, "Honesty descended from the Heavens and settled in the roots of the hearts of men (faithful believers), and then the Quran was revealed and the people read the Quran, (and learnt it from it) and also learnt it from the Sunna." Both Quran and Sunna strengthened their (the faithful believers') honesty.
pas minta nasehat dari cqe, dikasi ieu,, katanya sih dapat dari ar razi:
"Tauhid adalah penyaksian dan bukan pengetahuan, barang siapa menyaksikan maka ia telah bertauhid barang siapa hanya mengetahui ia belum bertauhid."
berlaku seolah DIA melihat kita.. seolah semua akan dilihat hingga yg cuma berdesir di dalam hati...
Soalnya kita sering lupa klo Allah melihat semua yang kita kerjakan.
"Tauhid adalah penyaksian dan bukan pengetahuan, barang siapa menyaksikan maka ia telah bertauhid barang siapa hanya mengetahui ia belum bertauhid."
berlaku seolah DIA melihat kita.. seolah semua akan dilihat hingga yg cuma berdesir di dalam hati...
Soalnya kita sering lupa klo Allah melihat semua yang kita kerjakan.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
it's friday
it's friday,, im in love
then i'll write about new style to propose someone u love....
watch OUT!! One kick toward ur face from 12 o'clock !!
then i'll write about new style to propose someone u love....
meet her/him face to face, then
just say it:
"wud u like to keep my finger nails clean?"
watch OUT!! One kick toward ur face from 12 o'clock !!
3rd or 5th
i wonder why i always went upstairs while i sud went downstairs?
it just happened unintentionally,, and then i realized dat i went to da wrong floor.
weird,,, it's da 5th times i made da same mistake!!
What is with going upstairs??! is it psychological matter or it just a blurry me?
it just happened unintentionally,, and then i realized dat i went to da wrong floor.
weird,,, it's da 5th times i made da same mistake!!
What is with going upstairs??! is it psychological matter or it just a blurry me?
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